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ACT’s 2016 Award Recipients!

By Anthony Kiorpes posted 11-03-2016 12:47 PM



Anthony K. Kiorpes
2016 Awards Committee Chairperson


Mary Ellen Cosenza
2016 Resource Committee Chairperson


ACT’s 2016 Awards will be presented at the Awards Ceremony and Luncheon followed by the keynote presentation by the Distinguished Scientist Awardee on Monday, November 7 from 12:00 noon–2:00 pm in the Harborside Ballroom. Awards will be presented to the recipients of the ACT Service Award, Carol C. Lemire Unsung Hero Award, and the Young Professional Award. Recipients of the ACT Furst Award for Best Student Poster, the Student Travel Awards, the North American Graduate Fellowships, and International Travel Grants recipients will also be announced. This event is open to all attendees (members, nonmembers, exhibitors, etc.). For a historical listing of award recipients visit

ACT Distinguished
Scientist Award Recipient








Samuel M. Cohen, MD, PhD, ATS, DABP

The ACT Distinguished Scientist Award (DSA) recognizes an individual, not necessarily a member of ACT, who has made outstanding contributions to toxicology, its relationship to the regulation of chemicals, and/or the improvement of public health. The DSA winner is the Keynote speaker at the Awards Ceremony and Luncheon.

ACT Service Award Recipient


Stephen B. Harris, PhD, ATS, FRSB

The ACT Service Award recognizes an individual for their long-term dedication to ACT, including but not limited to their service to the College (i.e., as Councilor, officer, committee member); frequent participation and contribution to the Annual Meeting (as speaker, chairperson, organizing committee member); and longstanding support of the College’s activities. The recipient must be a member of ACT.

ACT Carol C. Lemire
Unsung Hero Award Recipient


Alan P. Brown, PhD, DABT

The ACT Carol C. Lemire Unsung Hero Award recognizes an ACT member or staff person who has made substantive unrecognized contributions to ACT. The nominee should have demonstrated ongoing willingness to help in ACT activities, generally behind the scenes.

ACT Young Professional Award Recipient


Sudheer Reddy Beedanagari, PhD

The ACT Young Professional Award recognizes an ACT member with no more than 10 years of full-time employment experience since completing their highest degree (not including postdoctoral training). Nominee must have demonstrated outstanding service to the College, including serving as an officer, Councilor, or committee member, and/or frequent participation and contribution at the Annual Meeting or any other College activity (i.e., as speaker, chairperson, organizing committee member, etc.).
ACT Student Travel Awards

 David Babayemi, Biochemistry Department, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun, Nigeria

Julie Castaneda, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

Lindsay Holden, Portland State University, Portland, OR

Timur Khaliullin, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

Syed Husain Mustafa Rizvi, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, UP, India

Changqing Zhou, Univeristy of Illinois, Urbana, IL

ACT President’s Award for Best Paper Published in
the International Journal
of Toxicology
2016 International Journal of Toxicology: Volume: 34(5)Pages: 379-383, 2015
Paper Title: “Acute Phase Responses to Novel, Investigational Vaccines in Toxicology Studies: The Relationship Between C-Reactive Protein and Other Acute Phase Proteins”
Author: Martin D. Green
ACT International Travel Grants

Flora Aigbe, PhD, Nigeria

Rami Bechara, PharmD, France

Werner Cordier, PhD, South Africa

Anoka Njan, PhD, MNIST, Nigeria
 ACT North American
Graduate Fellowships

Mei-Ling Bermudez, University of Cincinnati

Dennis Carty, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy

Rosa Chan, University of California, San Francisco

Samantha Feng, UC Davis School of Medicine

Barbara Okeke, University of Iowa

Arshiya Parveen, PhD, India