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Apply Today for ACT's Student Travel Award, Graduate Fellowship, or International Travel Grant

By Elisa Turner posted 05-10-2016 01:45 PM

The American College of Toxicology offers opportunities for select students to attend the Annual Meeting. Current membership to the College is not a requirement. ACT encourages you to apply before the upcoming deadline.

ACT Student Travel Awards

Graduate Students may apply for a Student Travel Award to the Annual Meeting at the time of abstract submission, which has a deadline of July 1. Awardees are required to attend the Annual Meeting where students will present their poster at the general poster session, in addition to a separate judging session for selection of the Furst Award winner (as noted below). The Student Travel Award consists of $1000 cash prize, a certificate (presented at the Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon), a Welcome Reception ticket, and waived registration to the Annual Meeting. Apply by selecting the box for Student Travel Award at the time of Annual Meeting abstract submission (you must be a current graduate student to qualify).

ACT Student Furst Award

The Student Furst Award, established through a generous contribution from the late Dr. Arthur Furst, is given to the best student poster presentation at the Annual Meeting. It consists of a $2000 cash prize and plaque (presented at the Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon). Students who apply for the ACT Student Travel Award are automatically considered for the Furst Award, but must participate in the separate judging poster session.

ACT North American Graduate Fellowships

The American College of Toxicology is offering three fellowships to graduate students in approved toxicology programs in North America. Receipt of these $5,000/year fellowships requires: 1) Successful acceptance into PhD Program (2-year award) or in final year of a terminal master’s program (1-year award); and 2) Presentation at ACT’s Annual Meeting of a poster summarizing a graduate project in the field of toxicology. Annual Meeting registration fees will be waived; and 3) Joining ACT as a student member. Student membership is free. (It is not a requirement to be a current member.)

To apply for a fellowship please submit your resume, a letter from the chairman of your department outlining
your academic standing, a title and abstract for your poster, and a paragraph (up to 500 words) describing your career aspirations. Application deadline is June 1.

Apply for the North American Graduate Fellowship

ACT International Travel Grant

The American College of Toxicology is offering a limited number of travel grants to toxicologists outside of North America to attend our Annual Meeting. Each grant will cover Annual Meeting registration fees, the cost of a round-trip economy airfare, and four nights stay at the Headquarters hotel. Recipients will be required to present a poster at the meeting.

To apply for this grant, please send a copy of your CV along with the title and abstract of your poster. Please also send a letter (up to 500 words) describing your career aspirations if you are a student, or your commitment to toxicology and your vision for the field if you are not a student. Application deadline is June 1. 

Apply for the International Travel Grant